1. Rinse the beetroots thoroughly and put in a pot of salty boiling water. Boil the beetroots over low heat, covered, for approx. 1 hour or until tender. Pour out the boiling water and quickly rinse the beetroots under cold water.
2. Cut off the ends and root tips and remove the peels of the beetroots. Cut the beetroots into coarse cubes and allow to cool slightly.
3. While the beets are cooling, boil balsamic vinegar, sugar and figs over medium heat, uncovered, for approx. 8 minutes, or until the glacé begins to thicken.
4. Combine the beetroot cubes, apple cubes, salt and pepper in a bowl and pour the finished fig glace over it. Toss the mixture well and season to taste.
5. Arrange the spinach in a large dish and season with salt and pepper. Arrange the beetroot mixture and cheese on the bed of spinach. Arrange the Castello® Creamy White on the top.