1. Melt the butter, brush onto the pieces of filo pastry and put them on top of each other.
2. Plug round circles of the filo pastry and put in a muffin form or similar. The circles need to be a little bigger than bottom of the muffin forms to give the tartlets edges on top.
3. Bake at 356 Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) for 5-6 minutes until they have a hint of color.
4. Let them cool.
5. Chop the salmon with a knife and stir with sour cream, mayonnaise, dill and shallot.
6. Season with salt, pepper and lemon zest.
7. Put a small amount of the salmon salad into the tartlets.
8. Top with grated Castello® Mature Cheddar and some dill.
If you have any leftovers the salmon salad is also great on a piece of bread.