1. Rinse the Padrón peppers and let the dry off.
2. Add the olive oil to a frying pan and make sure it is warm before adding the Padrón peppers.
3. Fry for 3-4 minutes and stir the peppers occasionally to make sure they fry evenly.
4. Season with salt, pepper and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
5. Cut slices of Castello Aged Havarti and place on a slice of toast with Serrano ham and Padrón peppers.
6. Finish with a few slices of Havarti and a slice of toast on top.
7. Remove the crust and place the sandwiches in a toaster or panini grill for 3-5 minutes until the toast is golden.
8. Cut the sandwiches diagonally and serve on a wooden board with fried Padrón peppers.
This tapas dish goes excellently with a glass of white wine. The salty and rich flavours and textures of this toasted sandwich would suggest a dry and crisp Riesling without too much sweetness or body.