1. Take the cheese from the fridge at least an hour before it is whipped and served.
2. Carefully remove the outside of the cheese.
3. Mash the cheese with a fork and mix with sour cream and honey.
4. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Melt the butter on a pan and add the buckwheat.
6. Roast the buckwheat at medium heat until it has taken a bit of color. Be aware that it does not burn as it will turn quite bitter.
7. Serve the buckwheat and whipped Creamy White with fresh and crisp vegetables.
The recipe can also be made with Creamy White with truffles or green peppers. As a wildcard you can also use a Creamy Blue or Danablu. You can also choose to add a few tablespoons finely chopped fresh herbs -parsley, chervil, wild garlic or chives would all do well in it.