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Fresh Cheese

Fresh Cheese

Cream cheese, Feta, Mozzarella & Burrata seduce with softness and mild flavours.

Fresh cheese

Fresh cheese is the common name for cheeses made from fresh curds that have not been pressed or aged. Produced throughout the world and commonly used in cooking, fresh cheese is a leaner substitute for cream. When the texture is grainy, it is called cottage cheese and when the texture is smooth and creamy, it is known as cream cheese - or quark when the fat content is lower. The mild and slightly savoury flavour complements a huge variety of dishes and ingredients.

Mild, tangy, creamy

From the bite of a zesty apple to the soft touch of rich cream, fresh cheese can be whatever you want it to be. Some carry velvety textures that open smoothly with mild and slightly salty tones, while others engage your palate with a tangy, almost sharp kick. As they are not aged, they have no rinds, and almost always present a seamless and uniform consistency throughout. While some milder variants high in acidity and moisture allow for easy melting (e.g. Mozzarella and Burrata), the tart nature of Feta, for example, prevents it from dissolving even when exposed to high temperatures.

Mixed in seasonal salads or spread over a stovetop dish, fresh cheese gives way to an abundance of combinations and contrasts. They all share an easy-going quality that can please all audiences.

Types of fresh cheese

There is much diversity among the  ensemble of fresh cheeses. Their unique qualities offer profiles of pronounced flavours yet mild aromas. As the name would suggest, these cheeses are best enjoyed fresh, within a few days.

Cream Cheese

A cream of light texture and pliability, this cheese delivers mild and decadent sensations in every dish. Its flavours are soft, with a soothing balance of slightly acidic notes to compensate. Made using cow’s milk, it is often mixed with garlic or herbs to add piquancy to its milder make-up.

Pair with pasta dishes, rye bread and a sharp white wine or wheat beer.


Historically made using milk from goats and sheep, this Greek delicacy delights in its tangy and somewhat salty notes, along with a creamy and almost crumbly texture. Its flavours are on a par with the qualities of a dry wine, often lingering in an arid finish.

Pair with fresh tomatoes, red bell pepper, olives and fruity red wine.


Seen as the white gold of Italy, Mozzarella gets its supple flavours from either buffalo or cow’s milk. Its texture is springy and dense, accompanied by a light aroma of rich cream. Moist and velvety when fresh, the consistency becomes stringy and molten with a taste that slowly softens as it melts.

Pair with tomatoes, basil, olive oil and red wine.


Balanced, mild and beautifully unique, Burrata is more than just a twist on Mozzarella. When cut open, the creamy centre is revealed as it soothingly seeps from the cover of its soft shell. Smooth, fresh and with a delightful clash of textures, it seduces with its decadent and mellow nature.

Pair with tomatoes, olive oil, basil and honeydew.


Feta Cheese

Feta Cheese

Feta Cheese




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